

浏览次数 : 1242
更新时间 : 2017-08-13 21:40:16






On July 5,1996,at 5 pm, the most famous lamb in history entered the world. Dolly, who looked for all the world like hundreds of other lambs that dot the rolling hills of Scotland, was soon to change the world. Dolly is a clone. She was created mot out of the union of a sperm and an egg but out of the genetic material from udder cell of a six-year-old sheep.


With the creation of Dolly, the doors of human cloning has opened the controversy and complication of  cloning.Some scientists support it, but more scientists object it. No matter you support or object it, we must  face to the fact that the existence of the clone technology.


You may think clone is quite far away from our lives, but we live in a age of new technology appearing up at an explosion-speed. Until Dolly entered the world, cloning was the stuff of fiction. And now it does exist in this world, in our life. Now it is not fantasy to think that someday, perhaps decades from now, but someday, you can clone your loving losing pets, healthy organs and many useful creatures.

Since clone is closely associated with our lives, what do you think of clone? Have you ever thought if there’s any situation when you need clone urgently? How will clone affect this world and your life? Do you support clone or not?


Personally, I support clone and I am goanna to tell you why.


Before going any further, let me first give a brief description of what clone is. Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two. There are mainly three kinds of cloning: recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning(Russel, 2005). Since we simply understand about what clone is, let’s talk about the benefic that clone will bring us.


First of all, Human cloning technology is expected to result in several miraculous medical breakthroughs.  Let’s assume that if one of us unfortunately develop lung cancer. We undergo weeks even mouths of treatment as well as chemotherapy, infection and many other painful procedures, the doctor tells you,” I am sorry to tell you that the cancer can’t be cured.”How’s your feeling? Will you crash? Are you desperate? I will. But we may be able to cure cancer if cloning leads to a better understanding of cell differentiation.  Theories exist about how cloning may lead to a cure for heart attacks, a revolution in cosmetic surgery, organs for organ transplantation, and predictions abound about how cloning technology will save thousands of lives. 


Secondly , the clone technology also has important usage in the science study. Usually we need to test many data for many times and have to change the samples from time to time because of the limited organ when we study the function of an organ. But the clone technology could produce the same sample-copies for us as many as we expect, which eliminates the error produced by the variability of the samples and enhance the process of our study at the same time. 


Thirdly, we can apply clone to endangered species to save them. Just as we know, there are many endangered animals in New Zealand, kiwi for example. Due to the lack of predators, kiwi is one of a handful of flightless birds in the world, it only can walk on land. Now, this kind of bird is very rare, you can hardly see wild kiwi. In decades, you tell your children proudly “The kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand.”But your children ask you, ‘mommy, what is kiwi?’ what does it look like?”What will you answer him or her? You can only search on the Internet a picture of wiki. What a pity. Through the research leading up to human cloning we will perfect the technology to clone animals, and thus we could forever preserve endangered specie(Perlman, 2000).

Also  animals and plants could be cloned for medical purposes .There is a precious and expensive herb called caterpillar, which has great drug value. It’s not only rare but very expensive. So lots of people can’t afford it. But  through the research leading up to human cloning, we should discover how to clone animals and plants to produce life-saving medications. 


You may claim  that there may be also many Potential Harms and Disadvantages of clone. However, is it clone himself wrong? Of course not. It is people who use it. We can we can develop policies and mechanisms that overcome a multitude of barriers.

In a word,we couldn’t decide whether the clone technology is good or bad, it depends how we use it. And we can’t ignore it because its potential damage and abandon a technology may make a difference to our world and our life.If we could take good use of it, it will bring benefics to human beings. 

That’s why  I support it and we should support it together. 




Russel, P.J, 2005,  Genetics: A Molecular Approach. United States of America: Pearson, San Francisco, California.


Perlman, H.B, 2000, "Scientists Close on Extinct Cloning". The Washington Post. Associated Press.










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