

浏览次数 : 1373
更新时间 : 2017-11-26 21:35:05


本文是一篇关于人力资源管理的文章,要求通过分析case “THE ROYAL THAI HOTEL”,回答3个问题。


There were some opportunities for me to participate a team as one part , such  as  basketball  team, subject team, volunteers’ team, etc. Obvious, everybody likes all process in a team work although discipline is always in a team. There were some rules in teamwork , (1. every teammate have the right to talk, (2. sharing new ideas , when one person comes up with a new idea , it's the time for a group brainstorm , (3 heroic thoughts , everyone should prepare to save the group and sacrifice for the group , (4. Obey those rules.

So it think the characteristics of effective teamwork(Steven, 2003)  include:

l  Clear goal——To clear what’s the best result for the team..

l  Unified commitment——An excellent teamwork requires every teammate to prepare to be a hero, preparing to save the team and sacrifice himself.

l  Collaborative climate——There should be a place for teammates to gather and communicate.

l  High standards——Aim high and do more can ensure a better harvest.

l  Encouragement——Encouragement is a good way to raise your teammates’ passion.


And the characteristics of ineffective teamwork(Peter, 1993) include:

l  Lack of Team focus——If the direction is mixed, then all teamwork will be in vain.

l  In equal membership——Any expression of negative emotions is a blow for team morale.

l  Errors and negativity——Talking criticism more often than encouragement, the enthusiasm of teammates will certainly never rise.

l  Lack of cohesion——Unreasonable distribution and lack of ability all are the causes of the teamwork failure.


As a team ,the effective teamwork is essential , the team leader plays a big role in it . So as the team just found , how to build the authority of the leader becomes an important mission which is a first test for the leader's ability . However, this does not not mean that the leader should get his teammates afraid of him, this is not talking about gang, if the leader could get respect and acceptance from teammates, then the team cohesion appears naturally(Thomas, 1992).

The following personalities and activities is reasonable and good for the whole team:

Listening to each teammate's ideas. Respect your teammates, listen to their ideas. Allow your teammates to think freely, remember that great things may be done by mass effort.

Care about your teammates' real feelings. Encourage your teammates to talk themselves openly.

Play a role as a mediator. Seize chances to comfort those negative emotions existing between the teammates, and let them aim at the excellent goal of the team. 

Build trust between your teammates . Only if the teammates trust each other , a good and effectively team cooperation can be established. 
Form a good tradition to share any new idea in the team.
Any new idea may be a great idea, sharing could also strengthen team's cohesion . 

Solve problems by teamwork. Give teammates chances to solve problems together.

Encourage communication. The more communication, the less conflicts, and the bigger team. 
Establish a system to evaluate team performance.
Make sure that all work just be done for the team's goal. Foster a brainstorming environment. As the leader, your main task is to encourage your teammates to talk and listen actively. 











Steven H.C, 2003, The Teamwork Chronicles: A Startling Look Inside the Workplace for Those Who Want Better Teamwork. Austin, Greenleaf Book Group, LLC, TX.


Peter, M, 1993, Building a Better Team, Gower Publishing Company, Aldershot, England, pp.102–06.


Thomas, Q, 1992, Successful Team Building, AMACOM, New York, pp.4-5.


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